
What led us into creating Statik JAM Hosting

WordPress currently powers more than 40% of the Internet and definitely it is the most popular content management systems with the richest ecosystem and support granted by thousands of agencies and developers.

Back in the past, the system was considered as an entry-level content management software, a first choice for entry-level web experience to run simple websites or personal blogs to share thoughts with other users of the Internet.

As the time passed by, WordPress evolved to be a very powerful tool, not only for small websites and individuals, but for corporate and enterpise grade websites as well. Simple editing experience, with enormous number of familiar users turned out to be a great solution for big business.

People behind Statik works with WordPress for years. We gained a huge expereience based on over a thousand of corporate projects, meeting the strictest requirements of our clients mostly from financial and transportation sectors. Over all these years, we identified many problems we came across, adressed them and succesfully resolved with industry leading solutions to make our life a little bit easier.

Today, we are happy to share our know-how as a product for agencies and corporate clients. As a result, you should be in position to build quality websites meant to deliver predictable and solid experience for all visitors, without spending years on research&development. At the same time, we give you a full flexibility in terms of how our standards are incorporated by your company. We know you are here for a reason. ☺️

This documentation will guide you through our one-in-a-million product called Statik JAM Hosting, which joins the most popular CMS WordPress with a Gatsby.js powered frontend and delivers it as a ready-to-use solution for corporate clients and agencies.

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