JAM Hosting


Statik JAM Hosting is an enterprise oriented platform that is supposed to deliver performant, efficient, secure and predictable solutions for development of JAM stack websites in every phase of a process.

JAM stack architecture rely on a core principle of pre-rendering and decoupling website layers to deliver:

  • Back-end CMS instance, which behaves as a data provider and
  • Front-end presentation layer, which is responsible for delivering content in human readable way to visitors.

The idea of Statik JAM Hosting is to keep the presentation layer as mostly read-only. Data provider details are not reveled anywhere on the website, so in other words, visitors do not know about the CMS running in the background. Actions, that do require communication channels with server instances are performed through dedicated workers developed to address a single functionality only.

Technical Specification

JAM hosting consists of opinionated infrastructure solutions as well as a set of client and server side components and extensions designed to orchestrate different resources of a static stack. Opinionated approach is a part of "platformization" process. It lets developers and IT employees to focus on implementation of client requested features rather than fundamentals shared on across all agency projects.


JAM stack websites require a separate hosting instances for both data provider and presentation layer. The approach is caused mostly due to performance and security reasons. Communication between front-end and back-end applications is performed in controlled environment to ensure predictable behavior.


On top of underlying technology, Statik AF (Application Framework) and its detailed documentation will guide development teams with industry best workflows, battle tested on more than 750 projects, giving advices and ready to use patterns of how to plan, develop, secure, test and maintain a website. As a result, your team will focus on creating amazing features being way more effective while Statik takes care about stable foundation.

What's in the box?

Unlike traditional hosting platforms, Statik provides you a way to build web applications which are a hybrid of a regular website and mobile application to deliever exceptional user experience that outperforms the classic approach.

The most important advantage of Statik website is a mechanism that for most visitors, generates a complete website before a visitor actually types in a URL in the browser, so as a result

Web Applications are adjusted to modern devices,Time of loading is reduced to minimum,Interactions within the application is similar to what we can experience in native apps,Due to limited access to the backend, websites are way more secure than the classic ones,Reduced cost of scalability.

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